Web Merge version 1.0 - by Andrew Wooldridge
This command allows you to rapidly build pages with differing content but the same outer formatting (like a template). Simply create a single table in an otherwise blank html file, use the first row for the names of the special tags you want to use, then all subsequent rows as the html data. Each row will feed into a new "page" merged from the template. In the template file, insert placeholder tags matching the names you used in the data file. (example: gorf in the data page becomes <gorf></gorf>). "Include placeholder tags in output" means that the tag used as a placeholder in the template stays in the outputted html, otherwise it is removed (to alleviate errors in older browsers). This command is very much like a "mail merge" tool in a word processor. Use it to create "articles", catalog entries, or many other kinds of pages where the content changes but the HTML around it stays the same. If you want to change the template, just edit it in DW then re-run this command. Always run this command from a fresh, blank page (the command) and NEVER have either the prototype file or the template file open in another window of Dreamweaver while it runs!!!!
Page Prototype (Template) URL:
Data Page URL:
Name prefix
(ex:joe = joe001.html)
Starting count
(defaults to 000)
Include placholder tags in output: yes no